It was about a year ago {give or take a couple months} that I bought my first grown up watch. I was going to be an EFY counselor and I didn't want to be checking my phone for the time every 5 minutes. {because as an EFY counselor that's really all you do is check the time} I used to have this strange aversion to watches. I'm not really sure why- maybe just having something around my wrist made me feel claustrophobic {not a huge fan of bracelets either actually} either way it was kind of weird. At first it took me a while to get used to wearing a watch- but like all my other jewelry that I wear on a daily basis {my now 6 rings- yup, 6!} I started to feel naked when I forgot to put it on. I came to love that first little $10.00 watch from Target- it's thin brown band and rectangle face. Unfortunately the watch met it's untimely fate {tee hee- untimely- PUN!} in Turkey and I had to get me a new watch!
At first I was desperate and had seen a couple of cool watches in some stores in Jerusalem- ones that had Hebrew numbers! I thought they were the cooliest things ever. I asked Jimmy- the owner of the store I had seen them in- if they were for sale {they were kind of in a display case with a bunch of other random stuff so I wasn't sure- not a dumb question}. He told me they hadn't worked for years so no they weren't for sale but his friend down the way sold watches and he'd get me a good price. Jimmy did just that- took me to his friend's shop and said "this girl needs a watch- and she's a Mormon student so give her a good price- she's not rich". The store owner proceeded to take out a plethora of watches- most of them plastic and kind of gross- but then I saw this gold watch with a circle blue face. It was different, somewhat classier than the rest of the selection, and only 30 shekels! {a little less than $10} I purchased that little sucker and we ran off into the sunset back to the Jerusalem Center.

Isn't she lovely?
Alas, my heart was still pining for a watch with Hebrew numbers. I looked high and low- in the Old City, West J. I couldn't find any. One glorious day walking around West J. Kaitlyn, Lindsay, and I were looking for the mysterious hair wrapping lady to get us our hair did {we never did find her- sad story} but we found a store- a magical store filled with watches. And what did these watches have? HEBREW NUMBERS!!! All of them- big watches, small watches, colored watches, pocket watches. It was glorious. I picked out a little thin banded, black watch with a circular face for 70 shekels {worth it} and we have been dear friends ever since.

I recently started reading lots of blogs for a research report I'm doing {no, I didn't make that up- it's real I tell you REAL!} and I discovered Nat the Fat Rat {a little behind on the times I'm aware}
but I also discovered that she wears a CALCULATOR WATCH! The inner nerd/math teacher+accountant's daughter in me longs for a watch that will tell me time and what 5654424+65422 is.
It's not that I don't love my other two watches- I wear both of them depending on the mood/outfit. But, don't you think they'd like another time telling friend?

I think they look lonely
{no I don't normally wear 2 watches at the same time}

Like one of these?
Hi, I love watches. Dude. AND I especially dig calculators. So watches + calculators = perfect!!!