'Tis the season dear Provo. Love is in the air. My roommate got engaged a couple weeks ago, shortly followed by one of my dearest friends Laura, which was just the beginning of the flood. All of these people I am truly happy for- really I am. You should have seen me when I heard Laura got engaged! Silently screaming since it was 12 at night and my roommates were asleep, running outside jumping around. I'm sure I looked like a lunatic- but only because I was so happy. But seriously you'd think it was a commandment to multiply and replenish the earth or strongly encouraged to get married or something... oh wait.
But with all this love in the air my dear reader I can't help but feel... lonely? Sure, we'll go with lonely. I am so blessed to have amazing friends and roommates- always have been. But it is at this time of the year that I wouldn't mind having a little bit of love in my own life. Especially in Provo where if you're not looking to get married in the next semester you're considered a sinner by some church authorities. But back to my love life- I'm not giving you a full disclosure by any means. Please, I'm not that pathetic/ridiculous. But my love life right now is just kind of ridiculous and I couldn't quite find a way to describe it until today on Pinterest (oh, what would I do without you). And without further ado I give you
But with all this love in the air my dear reader I can't help but feel... lonely? Sure, we'll go with lonely. I am so blessed to have amazing friends and roommates- always have been. But it is at this time of the year that I wouldn't mind having a little bit of love in my own life. Especially in Provo where if you're not looking to get married in the next semester you're considered a sinner by some church authorities. But back to my love life- I'm not giving you a full disclosure by any means. Please, I'm not that pathetic/ridiculous. But my love life right now is just kind of ridiculous and I couldn't quite find a way to describe it until today on Pinterest (oh, what would I do without you). And without further ado I give you

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