Sunday, October 14, 2012

Fall Break

Yay! A break from work!
Don't get me wrong- I love my babies {note that by babies I mean my 6 10-14 year old boys who aren't exactly baby sized. At All.} but they're exhausting and I needed a break so that I didn't completely fall apart.
Due to the amazing Fall Break Utah has I get two days off work which means 4 extra hours of life. You want to know what I did?
Well first off I met up with my amazing Daniel and we got ourselves some Jdawgs. Post lunch we went to the BYU Museum of Art and discussed the ideas of 15-17th century Christianity, paintings and photography,  and lives of pioneer women. The MOA has this cool pop art exhibit {okay the Andy Warhol stuff is cool the other stuff creeped me out- not super into Anime} including a fun little room with silver pillow shaped balloons blowing around.
Post museum we ventured to the basement of the Widtsoe and looked at the "aquariums" down there. We determined that we like to look at fish together.
That night after homework was done and classes were attended we made delicious chocolate chip cookies and watched the VP debate. So lucky to be dating a guy who can both make amazing cookies and put up with my "crazy liberality". He's definitely a winner.
happy, sideways Dan

silver pillow Andy Warhol installation

Me and Dan looking at le fish

Friday it rained and post classes/other activities Dan came over and we had ourselves some tea and spent some quality time with BBC's Sherlock before his dad came and stole him for a weekend of fishing. Overall a pretty awesome fall break with a pretty awesome boyfriend.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Conference Weekend!

Best conference weekend of my life!

My mom and dad were in town, I went to a football game for the first time in 2 years, went to SLC for conference Saturday with parentals and Dan, shopped with my mom during priesthood, lots of food. It was such an incredible weekend. 

Conference is really one of my favorite things and this conference was absolutely amazing! Starting out with the announcement of boys being able to go on their missions when they are 18 and girls now being able to go when they are 19!!! Proud to say that I was there in the session where that was announced and excited to be able to tell my children about it. All of the talks spoke of amazing and true doctrine. The speakers spoke of the love of Christ and his atonement. I am proud to be a member of a church that is so focused on love of all people. I cannot fully express how I feel about my Savior or my testimony through words but I do believe everything that was said in conference. I believe that I have a savior who performed an atonement for me so that I might live again with Him and my Father in Heaven. I believe that I can be forgiven for my sins if I repent. I believe in grace and works. I believe in a loving not a vengeful God. I believe in eternal families. I believe in joy on this earth and in a life to come after this one. I believe in a restored structure of priesthood power that resembles that of the church Christ formed when he living on the earth. I believe that the Prophet today, Thomas S. Monson, is the mouth of the Lord today and his direction to the church is direction from God. I follow Christ.

I'm a Mormon. I know it. I love it. I live it. 

Friday, October 5, 2012

I'm a Senior!!!


It has been a while

I apologize.

So in reference to the title- about a month ago I figured out that after this semester I only need to take 12 more credits to graduate. So I can officially say that I am a senior because I'll probably be graduating in April or next December (I might go to DC for an internship next fall... maybe)

So because it has been a while I'll just treat you to a little photo essay

 cookin me some spicy ranch crackers and saltine toffee

Some of my fav efy peeps ever +Jens's fiance!!! 

pintesting with Lyse 

Birthday Breakfast for MAAAAM!

Oh yum... french toast and biscuts for #classybrunch 

I probably eat more than a gallon of salsa a month- at least I make my own? 

I love this weather in Provo 

Attractive dress finding at Savers

Jedi braid figured out

cross stitch phone cover win

sanity restored in my life via west wing

I have the coolest job- we put on the coolest events too

fancy drink # 1

pretty fall colors

great documentary- check it out on PBS video free for the next weekish

berry picking


hiking with my hiking bud

obsessed with the fall colors

girls night with Kimothy- herb fries

and pork lollipops 

fancy drink # 2

middle part? I need a hair cut

Hopefully I'll do more posting more often... no promises. 

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Missin Jeru...

Approximately a year ago from today I was preparing to leave for Jerusalem. Buying ill fitting clothes, finding all sorts of medications, packing suitcases, trying falafel and gyros so as to become accustomed to the food, etc. I had not yet been to the Holy Land. It seems amazing to me that a year ago I hadn't traveled to a place that I feel so comfortable calling home- or a home away from home. It also seems amazing to me that I have almost been home a year {one of those tricky time conundrums} 

Point is that today I had a terrible bout of the homesickys. I was looking through pictures and prior blog posts and just wanted to go back so badly! Hands down, it was the best semester and best experience of my life. 

Never let me forget Jerusalem

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Other than being obscenely jealous of all the students going to Jerusalem this semester I went to the park with shvesta Kim and her adorable nephews. Playing with those boys just made me so unbelievably excited to start work. Then I played volleyball with the dear friend Devin. Watched Hunger Games with Kim, Jeff, Heidi, and Jess. {these names don't mean anything to you do they?}and went to a snippet of a dance with Heidi. Just enough to remind me why I don't go to those anymore. #toolfest 

PS. want to hear something funny? My family left Provo today and they took my toothbrush... ummm... yup... #tmi? #gross

Saturday, August 18, 2012

Such a good day

More training for the best job ever. 
Learned about sensory, communication, and some new signs! 
Ate me a delicious J-dawg {** reminder: need to write a letter with my business ideas for them**}, 
picked up Amanda {Maa Maa} and met up with CeCe 
drove us all down to Eliza's wedding reception

And guess who was there- Tiffany! and a surprise visit from Jens's body and his new fiance!!!!!

{Oh happy day indeed!}

Reunited with my ZFY family- t'was a piece of heaven on earth

Spent the rest of the night with CeCe's familia and driving around and talking about life with Amanda.
Gotta say I love my ZFY family for all eternity. 

And you know what? I think Provo is going to be alright.

P.S. I, more than anything, want this to be something I can say 
{with completeness- including the dancing in snow part- I can be flexible on the car, though 4-runner has been a trend #shambles
about my husband/father of my children in the future. 

Friday, August 17, 2012

back into the swing of blogging

So I really have to go to bed but I really just need to start blogging again...

Okay, that was a big fat lie. 
I have no need to start blogging again. Nor do I have much of a desire at the moment. 
BUT (!!!) I feel as though writing something quick and simple every day makes me a bit of a better person and just helps get some creative juices flowing and all that jazz {not entirely sure if I believe it, but I'll drink the kool-aid. Oh, yeah!} Anyway... I'm back, I'm fresh, {okay, not that fresh but I did just spend 8 weeks with teenagers and few hours with a mattress and pillow}and I'm ready to start anew.

 So here it is! 

First blog of the school year! yay! 

Okay but seriously now I need to go to bed- I have training for my job in about 8 hours so guess who is already in trouble. This girl.

Monday, June 11, 2012


The last few weeks/months have been a little "cray cray". Here is what has been going down the past 2 months:

Spring semester I kind of had two jobs and kind of had two classes- it was great. My two jobs were superb! The first was hanging out with my homeboy Kian- the younger brother of my other homeboy Fawkes {see valentines day post from this year} Kian is pretty much the coolest 5 year old that I'm not related to. He's a sweetheart like no other and the goofiest goof ball I have ever met. The best part? Receiving awesome pictures that he drew me- possible to come later.
The second "job" I had was volunteering at Clear Horizons Academy! A school for kids with severe autism. I just got to play with them/help teach them for 3 hours every Tuesday and Thursday- so wonderful. If you ever get an opportunity to hang out with kids with autism I highly suggest it! They're are so absolutely wonderful. I honestly have never had an experience where I learned more about myself.
My kind of classes were just through the BYU independent study... we won't talk about how those are going... {basically not...}
BUT! NOW! I! AM! AT! EFY!!!!!!
Just starting my BC job in flagstaff- met all my little counselors tonight and lovin up my team- they're so great! Unfortunately I'm already dead tired and we haven't even really started.
More about life to come

xx from FLAGSTAFF EFY!!! xx

Friday, April 20, 2012

thoughts from my 17 year old self- modesty

So I was exploring the dark depths of my facebook tonight and found all of my old 'notes' {are those still a thing? I feel like they died out a while ago} Anyway- I found something I had written a little under 4 years ago and I was kind of proud of myself for writing it. There has been a lot of talk about Mormonism lately in the media and I have seen some stuff- mainly criticisms about the modesty guidelines written in the the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. Here is how I thought about modesty as a personal issue when I was a Junior/Senior in high school

"ok so this kinda inspired by the summer and walking around a lot of water parks lately.

"So i really dont get why girls feel the need to wear less clothing, im not sure if it makes them feel more comfortable especially in the hot weather but honestly im not sure."I personally keep my dress standards to clothing that covers my shoulders, chest, butt, stomach, and shorts that cover above my knee. This is a personal choice that is guided by the standards set by my chruch (aka: mormon/Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/LDS). Although these guide lines may sometimes seem like "restrictions" i have come to love modesty and what it stands for. I believe by wearing respectable clothes it is easier for me to be comfortable around others because i dont have to worry if my underwear is showing or if i have anything falling out. I also dont have to worry about guys giving me negative attention, i know that when i cover up my body guys are more likely to be looking at me and noticing my personality other than noticing my body. I feel that wearing modest clothes projects an image that shows that i respect myself. The clothes i wear and the standards i set for myself are all choices and i am very passionate about modesty."I do not say any of this in judgement of others, i personally do not feel comfortable in revealing attire and do not understand why people wear little clothing, but i was raised with different standards than a lot of people and that probably has influenced my choices but that is what they still are: choices."The American Junior Miss pageant winner is a great example of what I believe. Lindsey Brinton is from Utah and she boldly stated during the pageant her feelings on modesty. She is an amazing role model for everyone. Check out this video"

Not the best piece of literature I have ever read/written but what's important is the message.

Modesty is not a standard taught in the LDS church so as to not tempt men with our seductive curves. Modesty is very individual. I do it for myself- not for anyone else. A benefit might be that boys don't just notice me for my body but the main reason is to show respect. Respect to myself, to those around me {because no one really feels comfortable when you're clothes aren't functioning properly}, and most importantly it is a sign of respect to my Father in Heaven for the body that he gave me. I treat it with respect {also why we have the Word of Wisdom, no tattoos, etc.} to show that it is a gift that I value and want to keep in good condition.

Think about if you got a nice new car for Christmas- you had picked it out and someone you love a lot sacrificed to give you this car because they loved you too. This is your car- you can really do whatever you want with it. But would you drive it recklessly and fill it with fast food garbage and crash it into stuff? How would the person who gave you that gift feel about the way you treated the car they gave you? It's really a very similar situation. I take care of my body and respect it because it is a gift from someone I love and who loves me.

This is why we have modesty as a standard.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Attempts At Being A Domestic Goddess: biscuits

On my little vacation home I went to Ruby Tuesday's for the first time and was introduced to their garlic cheddar biscuits. Now I love biscuits, I love garlic, I have mixed feelings about cheese in general {only on certain things, melted, not in excess...} but the combination was delicious! I decided I wanted to try to make them so I got the recipe a few weeks ago- or at least a similar recipe- and made them for a Je-roomie reunion. I was super short on time and was missing garlic powder (substituted with garlic salt/garlic bread seasoning) and didn't have time to make them really correctly but they still turned out alright- just a bit too salty and not quite enough garlic.

Today I decided to just try a normal biscuit recipe because, well, I love biscuits and I had all the ingredients and I could. Well to my pleasant surprise they turned out REALLY well! Perfect amount of salty, buttery flavor. Not too thick, nor too thin. I really am quite pleased with myself right now actually.

Here's the recipe:

2 cups flour
3 tsp. baking powder
1 tsp. salt
1/4 cup butter
2/3-3/4 cup milk {I probably used closer to 1 full cup though}

Mix dry ingredients
cut in butter (cold)
pour in milk and mix (with hands)

roll into balls and bake at 450 degrees for 10-12 minutes


Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Celeb crush of 2012? Joseph Kony

And by crush I mean the physical act of breaking into small pieces-
not the temporary love of an adolescent


Kony is the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebel army in Uganda- no spread to other parts of Africa. The LRA abducts small children- think younger siblings or cousins or nieces and nephews and forces them into slavery- young girls into prostitution and young boys as soldiers. This man has children fighting his battles for him- not that he's fighting against anything- he just wants power.
Watch this
Donate here
shop here

Do something.
That is all


Monday, March 5, 2012

Things I Put On My Body: sunny side up

I have this weird thing where I have an inability to keep sunglasses for more than a year. I think it stems from the fact that in Seattle you only use sunglasses for 3 months of the year and then you put them away and they get stolen by gremlins or ex-con furbies {same thing I guess} or something. But I have had my share of sunglasses.

It all started in 8th grade- I fell in love with aviators. I loved that they were a bit different and that they looked good on me! I refused to wear any other frame of sunglasses until really my freshman year of college {that was about... 3 or 4 pairs of sunglasses later} I started off super basic- silver rims with blacked out lenses, then next year silver rims with brown tinted lenses, the next year was my favorite: yellow rims and black lenses. I still love them- but unfortunately the only things left of them are my memories and a few pictures. Nothing could replace them- I tried pink frames {cheap- bent super easy and just no good} dark blue {alright but still not the same}. I couldn't move on...

the last day I ever remember wearing these sunglasses- tear
Don't I look like I'm having fun wearing them?- no I don't play guitar #posertotheextreme

...until one summer I worked at Nordstrom Rack. Every day I would walk past the accessories and I just fell in love with these Betsy Johnson sunglasses- light pink leopard print across the top with brown #sassyyetclassy- they were even on sale for like $20 or something reasonable for "designer sunglasses". Some were a little over the top but there was one pair that were just the cutest things. I was too afraid to try them on- they were a Ray Ban style {well at the time I thought more Joe Jonas sunglasses} and I thought they might look weird on me. Finally I got up the nerve to try them on and it was magic! They fit, and more importantly they were super cute! I proceeded to purchase and love them. Those were the first sunglasses that I ever kept for longer than a year. I wore them through EFY and Jerusalem until one cloudy day when they remained in my purse. I had forgotten about them and all of a sudden I heard a snap. I had successfully snapped both of the temples {"arms"} off of the face of my glasses. They were dead- they died and I was sad. I would never find a pair like them- Betsy Johnson had similar styles but the leopard print on top was either bright pink or neon green with black- not the light pink leopard print with brown I had come to love. They were too much. I couldn't find a pair that I loved and since I didn't need any I didn't give in to the pressure.

maybe it was the tigger/eyore combo, maybe it was the ukulele, maybe it was Sarah
{it was probably Sarah}
but I just look happy with these sunglasses- right?
I'm noticing a theme

Still happy! (hiking in Petra and mountain thing in Jordan)

This past weekend though I went to Las Vegas- the sun was shinning and my eyes were not covered. I decided that I needed new sunglasses and had seen some cute/acceptable ones from Old Navy so when I ventured to the mall with my grandma and aunt and cousins I found the blessed store and found those treasured sunglasses- more circular frames with a cool gold bridge, light brown leopard print- they passed the test. Fit, looked good, under $10 {what!??!} And therefore I purchased those suckers and have loved them ever since. {all 3 days} I can't wait to start my new life with these beauts!

Aren't they fun?

Since we're on the subject of sunglasses though I am also intrigued with cat eye lenses- Yay? Nay? I personally love these ones from Etsy- unfortunately someone snagged them up- bum deal man.

But aren't they SO cute?!