And by crush I mean the physical act of breaking into small pieces-
not the temporary love of an adolescent
Kony is the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebel army in Uganda- no spread to other parts of Africa. The LRA abducts small children- think younger siblings or cousins or nieces and nephews and forces them into slavery- young girls into prostitution and young boys as soldiers. This man has children fighting his battles for him- not that he's fighting against anything- he just wants power.
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Do something.
That is all
not the temporary love of an adolescent

Kony is the leader of the Lord's Resistance Army (LRA) rebel army in Uganda- no spread to other parts of Africa. The LRA abducts small children- think younger siblings or cousins or nieces and nephews and forces them into slavery- young girls into prostitution and young boys as soldiers. This man has children fighting his battles for him- not that he's fighting against anything- he just wants power.
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Do something.
That is all

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