I have this weird thing where I have an inability to keep sunglasses for more than a year. I think it stems from the fact that in Seattle you only use sunglasses for 3 months of the year and then you put them away and they get stolen by gremlins or ex-con furbies {same thing I guess} or something. But I have had my share of sunglasses.
It all started in 8th grade- I fell in love with aviators. I loved that they were a bit different and that they looked good on me! I refused to wear any other frame of sunglasses until really my freshman year of college {that was about... 3 or 4 pairs of sunglasses later} I started off super basic- silver rims with blacked out lenses, then next year silver rims with brown tinted lenses, the next year was my favorite: yellow rims and black lenses. I still love them- but unfortunately the only things left of them are my memories and a few pictures. Nothing could replace them- I tried pink frames {cheap- bent super easy and just no good} dark blue {alright but still not the same}. I couldn't move on...
the last day I ever remember wearing these sunglasses- tear
Don't I look like I'm having fun wearing them?- no I don't play guitar #posertotheextreme
Don't I look like I'm having fun wearing them?- no I don't play guitar #posertotheextreme
...until one summer I worked at Nordstrom Rack. Every day I would walk past the accessories and I just fell in love with these Betsy Johnson sunglasses- light pink leopard print across the top with brown #sassyyetclassy- they were even on sale for like $20 or something reasonable for "designer sunglasses". Some were a little over the top but there was one pair that were just the cutest things. I was too afraid to try them on- they were a Ray Ban style {well at the time I thought more Joe Jonas sunglasses} and I thought they might look weird on me. Finally I got up the nerve to try them on and it was magic! They fit, and more importantly they were super cute! I proceeded to purchase and love them. Those were the first sunglasses that I ever kept for longer than a year. I wore them through EFY and Jerusalem until one cloudy day when they remained in my purse. I had forgotten about them and all of a sudden I heard a snap. I had successfully snapped both of the temples {"arms"} off of the face of my glasses. They were dead- they died and I was sad. I would never find a pair like them- Betsy Johnson had similar styles but the leopard print on top was either bright pink or neon green with black- not the light pink leopard print with brown I had come to love. They were too much. I couldn't find a pair that I loved and since I didn't need any I didn't give in to the pressure.

maybe it was the tigger/eyore combo, maybe it was the ukulele, maybe it was Sarah
{it was probably Sarah}
but I just look happy with these sunglasses- right? I'm noticing a theme
Still happy! (hiking in Petra and mountain thing in Jordan)
This past weekend though I went to Las Vegas- the sun was shinning and my eyes were not covered. I decided that I needed new sunglasses and had seen some cute/acceptable ones from Old Navy so when I ventured to the mall with my grandma and aunt and cousins I found the blessed store and found those treasured sunglasses- more circular frames with a cool gold bridge, light brown leopard print- they passed the test. Fit, looked good, under $10 {what!??!} And therefore I purchased those suckers and have loved them ever since. {all 3 days} I can't wait to start my new life with these beauts!
Since we're on the subject of sunglasses though I am also intrigued with cat eye lenses- Yay? Nay? I personally love these ones from Etsy- unfortunately someone snagged them up- bum deal man.
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