Friday, April 20, 2012

thoughts from my 17 year old self- modesty

So I was exploring the dark depths of my facebook tonight and found all of my old 'notes' {are those still a thing? I feel like they died out a while ago} Anyway- I found something I had written a little under 4 years ago and I was kind of proud of myself for writing it. There has been a lot of talk about Mormonism lately in the media and I have seen some stuff- mainly criticisms about the modesty guidelines written in the the For the Strength of Youth pamphlet. Here is how I thought about modesty as a personal issue when I was a Junior/Senior in high school

"ok so this kinda inspired by the summer and walking around a lot of water parks lately.

"So i really dont get why girls feel the need to wear less clothing, im not sure if it makes them feel more comfortable especially in the hot weather but honestly im not sure."I personally keep my dress standards to clothing that covers my shoulders, chest, butt, stomach, and shorts that cover above my knee. This is a personal choice that is guided by the standards set by my chruch (aka: mormon/Chruch of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints/LDS). Although these guide lines may sometimes seem like "restrictions" i have come to love modesty and what it stands for. I believe by wearing respectable clothes it is easier for me to be comfortable around others because i dont have to worry if my underwear is showing or if i have anything falling out. I also dont have to worry about guys giving me negative attention, i know that when i cover up my body guys are more likely to be looking at me and noticing my personality other than noticing my body. I feel that wearing modest clothes projects an image that shows that i respect myself. The clothes i wear and the standards i set for myself are all choices and i am very passionate about modesty."I do not say any of this in judgement of others, i personally do not feel comfortable in revealing attire and do not understand why people wear little clothing, but i was raised with different standards than a lot of people and that probably has influenced my choices but that is what they still are: choices."The American Junior Miss pageant winner is a great example of what I believe. Lindsey Brinton is from Utah and she boldly stated during the pageant her feelings on modesty. She is an amazing role model for everyone. Check out this video"

Not the best piece of literature I have ever read/written but what's important is the message.

Modesty is not a standard taught in the LDS church so as to not tempt men with our seductive curves. Modesty is very individual. I do it for myself- not for anyone else. A benefit might be that boys don't just notice me for my body but the main reason is to show respect. Respect to myself, to those around me {because no one really feels comfortable when you're clothes aren't functioning properly}, and most importantly it is a sign of respect to my Father in Heaven for the body that he gave me. I treat it with respect {also why we have the Word of Wisdom, no tattoos, etc.} to show that it is a gift that I value and want to keep in good condition.

Think about if you got a nice new car for Christmas- you had picked it out and someone you love a lot sacrificed to give you this car because they loved you too. This is your car- you can really do whatever you want with it. But would you drive it recklessly and fill it with fast food garbage and crash it into stuff? How would the person who gave you that gift feel about the way you treated the car they gave you? It's really a very similar situation. I take care of my body and respect it because it is a gift from someone I love and who loves me.

This is why we have modesty as a standard.

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