Thursday, September 29, 2011

Back in Jeru!

Back to my home away from home. Still loving Jerusalem although going out has decreased to about once every other day now. A combination of studying, naps, and a stubborn cold have kept me close to the center. It has still been fun though. Last night we had an Arab culture dinner where we had the Qu'ran read to us and a prayer demonstrated to us by a father/son Sheikh. After an authentic meal in a decorated Oasis (cafeteria) we learned a traditional dance. Bless the hearts of the 4 teenagers that taught us in that small hot gym. I think for the most part we all had fun- teachers and faculty family included. Everyone was dressed up in their best "Arab" wear. Lots of Genie pants, fanny pack pants, scarves, and Bedouin were being worn by pretty much everyone. I even got runner-up best "costume" for girls. We took pictures in a specially decorated corner of the Oasis and just had lots of fun pretending we didn't have tons of reading to do- just a typical night at the JC. Have I mentioned that I LOVE my life recently?

pictures to come

ps. if you're more interested in our day to day stuff one of the Professors here has a blog that he updates with much more information and consistency that I do.
Here's the link
There's lots more information about our field trips and the things we're doing here and he has videos/pictures. Enjoy!

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