I'm a big but recent Muse fan. Like I had heard of them way back in high school but never really knew any of their songs until Twilight (shamed) when Super Massive Black Hole was on the soundtrack (plug for Twilight soundtrack- seriously so good and not too proud to say it. shame the movie was awful). After that Dan slowly introduced me to more Muse. That year Muse came to SLC on tour and Dan got us tickets (I wasn't sure I wanted to pay the $50 to go since I wasn't a huge fan and I was a poor college student but Dan wanted me to come with him so he paid my ticket- I did well for myself). The concert was AMAZING- they're albums are great but it's nothing compared to seeing them perform.
Fast forward 4 years... 3.5 years
Ten days ago Dan and I went to see them again (courtesy of my mother who got us tickets for Dan's birthday). We were so excited. We listened to their most recent album (2nd Law) and were kind of obsessive about the whole thing before the concert. Cage the Elephant (ain't no rest for the wicked) opened for Muse; they were good, don't get me wrong but we were all there to see Muse and everyone knew it. Cage the Elephant didn't disappoint though- the lead singer crowd surfed and jigged (oh how he jigged) his skinny little heart out playing his music the way it ought to be played. A super fun and energetic band to get everyone pumped up but then they were done and we were all ready for Muse.
Thanks mom for the tickets- best birthday present ever!!