Thursday, December 15, 2011

"Luh-hi-tra-oot" Jerusalem

So this is my final post from Jerusalem! Just a quick little note. I realize my mom said I was regularly updating my blog which I was until we got SUPER busy with just trying to get everything done. I will do the last week when I get home. This has been an amazing experience and I couldn't ask for better friends here, or teachers, or really much of anything else. "Luh-hi-tra-oot" is how you say something in Hebrew and I don't know exactly hot to spell it but it basically means goodbye but not in a final way. I'm not saying shalom (goodbye) to Jerusalem for good just a little see you later. I'll be back here- I'll find a way.
Oh Jerusalem if I forget thee...

Friday, December 9, 2011

Count down 6-Shabbat Shalom Y'all!

ExpiresActive On ExpiresByType image/jpg "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/gif "access 1 year" ExpiresByType image/png "access 1 year" ExpiresByType text/css "access 1 month" ExpiresByType text/html "access 1 month" ExpiresByType application/pdf "access 1 month" ExpiresByType text/x-javascript "access 1 month" ExpiresByType application/x-shockwave-flash "access 1 month" ExpiresByType image/x-icon "access 1 year" ExpiresDefault "access 1 month" Can you believe that I have less than a week left? I can't/I refuse to believe it. "Finished" finals today and only one paper, one shabbat, two field trips, and three free days left.

After finals today we went to the Western Wall to welcome in the Shabbat. I am so glad that we got to go again. We went like... the first week we were here I think. Anyway it was one of my favorite things that we have done this semester and I didn't think we were going to be able to make it back because we aren't allowed in East Jerusalem after dark. Luckily some people talked to some other people and got it worked out so that we had permission to go. Basically what it is is the welcoming in of the Sabbath for those of the Jewish faith. They go to the Western Wall (Wailing Wall) and pray and celebrate the shabbat. There's praying (as I said previously), dancing, singing- it's really a celebration. What a wonderful way to welcome in what should be the happiest day of the week. The men and women split up into different sides and while the men's side is usually a bit more fun we had our own party on the women's side. Singing, dancing in circles, and just talking- it's wonderful.

After the Western Wall we had choir practice, dinner, and then the activity days girls put on a play of How the Grinch Stole Christmas. After the play we ran up to our Christmas concert. I honestly wasn't positive when the concert was until this morning... shwoops. It went well though considering how prepared I personally felt. (I personally felt more ready for the EFY musical program that we worked on for 2.5 days than I did for tonight... just to put it in perspective) So now that we're done with the concert we're just chillin and watching Cool Runnings.

So onto what I'm going to miss about Jeru. I'm going to miss all of the variety! Sammamish and Provo are like 110% homogeneous (yes dad I know it's impossible to be over 100%) Here there are two different nations, 3 major religions, and a whole smattering of people that just want to come here. Tonight I heard the call to prayer, welcomed in the shabbat, and sang Christmas songs. I'm constantly seeing different tour groups from all over the world and meeting people who come to live here in the Holy Land from different countries just because of the religious significance. It's so cool. I'm going to miss it tons.

**I should start to say things that I'm excited for- I'm excited to be able to read all of the signs/understand everyone that's talking around me.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Count down 7

One week left? What de heck!?!?

Such a great day of doing absolutely nothing. (okay it was great aside from the studying I did/didn't do)

Woke up with 10 minutes left of breakfast (definitely excited about not having to be awake at a certain time to receive my daily rations) so I literally rolled out of bed got dressed/put my hair up in record time and ran up the stairs to get breakfast. Then we had choir practice for our Christmas concert. I then went out to the city and just explored more of East Jerusalem and got some delicious pastries. 3 pastries for 2 shekels? I'm going to miss how cheap things are here (that's like... 60 cents by the way)
That was followed by lunch, studying, a short nap, more studying, and then....
MAKING COOKIES!!! (literally)
Lauren's mom sent us stuff to make cookies with and we just used the Bentley's (service couple) kitchen. It was quite the adventure trying to figure out the Hebrew on the butter/conversion rates/how to work the oven. It was so fun baking (for the first time in like 6 months might I add) and getting to know Brother Bentley. The service couples/teachers here are absolutely amazing. There are 4 service couples: The Ohmans (organist/music), the Bentley's (Humanitarian mission), the Skinners (field trip teacher), and the Chapmans (doctor). President Ohman is like one of the top 3 organists in the world/nation(USA)- what's the difference right?- cue Bashir Bashir saying something about being reductionist/redactionist/redundant/etc. by the way that was a joke... But seriously he's one of the top organists. Brother Bentley was/is a lawyer and specializes in law with Joseph Smith- he's actually working on the Joseph Smith Papers. Brother Skinner might be one of the most intelligent and funniest men I have ever met and Sister Skinner is just the sweetest (as are all the women here). The Chapmans are one of the cutest couples I have ever seen- I honestly believe that they are just eternal young adults whose bodies just keep getting older while their spirits/personalities just stay 25.

These amazing people are my "count down 7" thing I will miss. The Skinners are leaving tomorrow as they were only here for 6 months though they will be back at some point to complete a mission here. All of the couples here are essential to this experience and this study abroad would not have been nearly as amazing with out them. I'll talk about the teacher another time... maybe after I get my final grades back. Though just for future reference they are all amazing whether my grades reflect it or not.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The last few days in pictures

Me and Lindsay with our delicious doughnuts from the Shook

In front of the Russian Orthodox Church

real boy band in front of the Church of the Ascension

Cool stained glass at the Church of the Ascension

Me and Christine at the Light show

Me and Floren at the Light show- roomie love

Maybe the most inclusively attractive picture ever taken. Doesn't everyone look great!?
This was taken at the Orsen Hyde Garden after we did Oil Consecrations-
definitely one of the most unique experiences of the study abroad

Lindsay, me, and Whitney at Masada

Classic Kaitlyn+me pic with ice cream :)

Me in front of Damascus Gate

Friday, December 2, 2011

Pictures of Galilee

Beth She'an
Beth She'an

train ride thing in Beth She'an

On the Sea of Galilee

yay pizza... can't wait for real pizza at home

This might be the best picture I have ever taken:
Lindsay being super cute, my failed attempt at crossing my eyes (notice lazy eye),
Brielle's Giraffe tongue, and Lauren in the background

Finally making it to the "waterfall"

jumping picture at Talmudic Community ruins

Syria is in the background after you get past the "no mans land"

Seat of Moses- replica

Beautiful view in Acre

Beautiful goodbye sunset in Galilee